import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import os
import shutil
import warnings
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from IPython.display import Image
import pygeostat as gs

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

%pylab inline --no-import-all
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Summary Statistics for Well Data

The main statistics for sampled well data are checked with proper visualizations

vtk visulization for a petroleum reservoir model and sampled wells


Boundary modelling Data

Checking data with keyout (inside/outside) reservoir data. This data will be used for boundary modeling.

Boundary_DF = gs.DataFile('data/Baoundary_Final.dat')
HoleID X Y Keyout
0 1.0 85.0 2215.0 0.0
1 2.0 1105.0 2085.0 0.0
2 3.0 405.0 1715.0 1.0
3 4.0 195.0 2055.0 0.0
4 5.0 235.0 1865.0 1.0
gs.locmap(Boundary_DF, x='X', y='Y',var='Keyout', figsize=(10,10), cbar_label='Keyout', grid=True,
          s=50, catdata=True, catdict={'Outside': 0, 'Inside': 1}, title='Location map of Sampled Well')
<mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.LocatableAxes at 0x18002b99278>

Rock type and Petrophysical Properties

Well_DF = gs.DataFile('data/SampledWell_Final.dat')
HoleID X Y Elevation Z_Top Z_Bottom RockType Prop1-Phi Prop2-Vsh Prop3-Kv Prop4-Kh Prop5-Sw
0 3.0 405.0 1715.0 330.54334 382.79334 330.18146 5.0 0.138597 0.421818 0.00010 0.00100 0.783311
1 3.0 405.0 1715.0 331.04334 382.79334 330.18146 5.0 0.078082 0.666037 0.00010 0.00100 0.922857
2 3.0 405.0 1715.0 331.54334 382.79334 330.18146 3.0 0.317862 0.215853 727.41432 1819.14960 0.131871
3 3.0 405.0 1715.0 332.04334 382.79334 330.18146 3.0 0.397035 0.035916 8158.62840 9486.77730 0.118336
4 3.0 405.0 1715.0 332.54334 382.79334 330.18146 1.0 0.241755 0.235848 204.91616 697.51595 0.475459

Get the global proportions for rock types

RT_code = np.unique(Well_DF.data['RockType'])
RT_name = ['RT%i'%(i) for i in RT_code]
RD_dict = dict(zip(RT_code, RT_name))
{1.0: 'RT1', 2.0: 'RT2', 3.0: 'RT3', 4.0: 'RT4', 5.0: 'RT5'}
Well_DF.data['RockTypeName'] = Well_DF.data['RockType'].apply(lambda x: RD_dict[x])
HoleID X Y Elevation Z_Top Z_Bottom RockType Prop1-Phi Prop2-Vsh Prop3-Kv Prop4-Kh Prop5-Sw RockTypeName
0 3.0 405.0 1715.0 330.54334 382.79334 330.18146 5.0 0.138597 0.421818 0.00010 0.00100 0.783311 RT5
1 3.0 405.0 1715.0 331.04334 382.79334 330.18146 5.0 0.078082 0.666037 0.00010 0.00100 0.922857 RT5
2 3.0 405.0 1715.0 331.54334 382.79334 330.18146 3.0 0.317862 0.215853 727.41432 1819.14960 0.131871 RT3
3 3.0 405.0 1715.0 332.04334 382.79334 330.18146 3.0 0.397035 0.035916 8158.62840 9486.77730 0.118336 RT3
4 3.0 405.0 1715.0 332.54334 382.79334 330.18146 1.0 0.241755 0.235848 204.91616 697.51595 0.475459 RT1
Proportion = Well_DF.data.groupby(['RockTypeName'],as_index=False).count()
Proportion = Proportion[['RockTypeName', 'RockType']]
Proportion.columns=['RockTypeName', 'Proportion']
Proportion['Proportion'] = Proportion['Proportion'].apply(lambda x: x/len(Well_DF.data))
RockTypeName Proportion
0 RT1 0.042461
1 RT2 0.392264
2 RT3 0.233073
3 RT4 0.220875
4 RT5 0.111326

Uni/Bi variate relationships for different properties within each rock type

variables = ['Prop1-Phi', 'Prop2-Vsh', 'Prop3-Kv', 'Prop4-Kh', 'Prop5-Sw']
utrivars = [(vx, vy) for j, vx in enumerate(variables) for i, vy in enumerate(variables) if i > j ]

RockType 1

dat = Well_DF.data[Well_DF.data['RockType']==1]
# setup some custom styles for the output
pltstyle = 'ccgpaper'
cust_style = None

# Upper Triangle: KDE plot
def iter_upper(axes):
    for ax, (varx, vary) in zip(axes, utrivars):
        gs.kdeplot(dat[varx], dat[vary], ax=ax, density=False, rotateticks=(False, False), cmap="hot_r",
                   cbar=False, contour=True, lw=0.5, pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, s=10,
                   threshold=0.1, shade=False)
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Diagonal: Histograms
def iter_diagonal(axes):
    for ax, var in zip(axes, variables):
        gs.histplt(dat[var], ax=ax, color="grey", pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style,
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Setup the imagegrid using symmetric, the three functions, and the `unequal_aspects` keyword
# which allows the histograms to be plotted along side the bivariate plots without strange aspect
# issues
fig = gs.imagegrid(upperfunc=iter_upper, diagfunc=iter_diagonal, nvar=len(variables),
                   symmetric=True, unequal_aspects=True, axes_pad=(0.35, 0.35),
                   ntickbins=(6,5), pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, figsize=(15, 15))

RockType 2

dat = Well_DF.data[Well_DF.data['RockType']==2]
# setup some custom styles for the output
pltstyle = 'ccgpaper'
cust_style = None

# Upper Triangle: KDE plot
def iter_upper(axes):
    for ax, (varx, vary) in zip(axes, utrivars):
        gs.kdeplot(dat[varx], dat[vary], ax=ax, density=False, rotateticks=(False, False), cmap="hot_r",
                   cbar=False, contour=True, lw=0.5, pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, s=10,
                   threshold=0.1, shade=False)
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Diagonal: Histograms
def iter_diagonal(axes):
    for ax, var in zip(axes, variables):
        gs.histplt(dat[var], ax=ax, color="grey", pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style,
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Setup the imagegrid using symmetric, the three functions, and the `unequal_aspects` keyword
# which allows the histograms to be plotted along side the bivariate plots without strange aspect
# issues
fig = gs.imagegrid(upperfunc=iter_upper, diagfunc=iter_diagonal, nvar=len(variables),
                   symmetric=True, unequal_aspects=True, axes_pad=(0.35, 0.35),
                   ntickbins=(6,5), pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, figsize=(15, 15))

RockType 3

dat = Well_DF.data[Well_DF.data['RockType']==3]
# setup some custom styles for the output
pltstyle = 'ccgpaper'
cust_style = None

# Upper Triangle: KDE plot
def iter_upper(axes):
    for ax, (varx, vary) in zip(axes, utrivars):
        gs.kdeplot(dat[varx], dat[vary], ax=ax, density=False, rotateticks=(False, False), cmap="hot_r",
                   cbar=False, contour=True, lw=0.5, pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, s=10,
                   threshold=0.1, shade=False)
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Diagonal: Histograms
def iter_diagonal(axes):
    for ax, var in zip(axes, variables):
        gs.histplt(dat[var], ax=ax, color="grey", pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style,
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Setup the imagegrid using symmetric, the three functions, and the `unequal_aspects` keyword
# which allows the histograms to be plotted along side the bivariate plots without strange aspect
# issues
fig = gs.imagegrid(upperfunc=iter_upper, diagfunc=iter_diagonal, nvar=len(variables),
                   symmetric=True, unequal_aspects=True, axes_pad=(0.35, 0.35),
                   ntickbins=(6,5), pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, figsize=(15, 15))

RockType 4

dat = Well_DF.data[Well_DF.data['RockType']==4]
# setup some custom styles for the output
pltstyle = 'ccgpaper'
cust_style = None

# Upper Triangle: KDE plot
def iter_upper(axes):
    for ax, (varx, vary) in zip(axes, utrivars):
        gs.kdeplot(dat[varx], dat[vary], ax=ax, density=False, rotateticks=(False, False), cmap="hot_r",
                   cbar=False, contour=True, lw=0.5, pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, s=10,
                   threshold=0.1, shade=False)
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Diagonal: Histograms
def iter_diagonal(axes):
    for ax, var in zip(axes, variables):
        gs.histplt(dat[var], ax=ax, color="grey", pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style,
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Setup the imagegrid using symmetric, the three functions, and the `unequal_aspects` keyword
# which allows the histograms to be plotted along side the bivariate plots without strange aspect
# issues
fig = gs.imagegrid(upperfunc=iter_upper, diagfunc=iter_diagonal, nvar=len(variables),
                   symmetric=True, unequal_aspects=True, axes_pad=(0.35, 0.35),
                   ntickbins=(6,5), pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, figsize=(15, 15))

RockType 5

dat = Well_DF.data[Well_DF.data['RockType']==5]
# setup some custom styles for the output
pltstyle = 'ccgpaper'
cust_style = None

# Upper Triangle: KDE plot
def iter_upper(axes):
    for ax, (varx, vary) in zip(axes, utrivars):
        gs.kdeplot(dat[varx], dat[vary], ax=ax, density=False, rotateticks=(False, False), cmap="hot_r",
                   cbar=False, contour=True, lw=0.5, pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, s=10,
                   threshold=0.1, shade=False)
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Diagonal: Histograms
def iter_diagonal(axes):
    for ax, var in zip(axes, variables):
        gs.histplt(dat[var], ax=ax, color="grey", pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style,
        # tighten the label spacing
        ax.yaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.xaxis.labelpad = 0
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=0)
        yield ax

# Setup the imagegrid using symmetric, the three functions, and the `unequal_aspects` keyword
# which allows the histograms to be plotted along side the bivariate plots without strange aspect
# issues
fig = gs.imagegrid(upperfunc=iter_upper, diagfunc=iter_diagonal, nvar=len(variables),
                   symmetric=True, unequal_aspects=True, axes_pad=(0.35, 0.35),
                   ntickbins=(6,5), pltstyle=pltstyle, cust_style=cust_style, figsize=(15, 15))