Grid Definitions¶
GridDef Class¶
(griddef=None, grid_str=None, grid_arr=None, grid_file=None)¶ Class containing GSLIB grid definition.
Given either a GSLIB style grid string or an array arranged as [nx, xmn, xsiz, ny, ymn, ysiz, nz, zmn, zsiz] initialize the GridDef Class
Convert To 2D¶
(orient='xy')¶ Flattens a grid to 2D by default on the xy plane, returning a new 2D GridDef object
Convert Index: 3D to 1D¶
(ix, iy, iz)¶ Will return the 0-indexed 1-Dimensional grid index given the 3 dimensional indices as well as a True/False indicator for inside or outside the grid definition.
Parameters: - ix (int or numpy.ndarray) – x index or n-length array of x indices
- iy (int or numpy.ndarray) – y index or n-length array of y indices
- iz (int or numpy.ndarray) – z index or n-length array of z indices
Returns: 1-d index or n-length array of 1-d indices ingrid (bool or numpy.ndarray): in (True) or out (False) of grid, returned if ingrid=True
Return type: idx (int or numpy.ndarray)
Calculate a 1d grid index based on a 3d index (integers). Returns the index as an integer, as well as a boolean of whether the index is in the grid:
>>> ix, iy, iz = 2, 4, 0 >>> idx, ingrid = griddef.index3d_to_index1d(ix, iy, iz)
Calculate 1d grid indices based on 3d indices (numpy arrays). Returns an array of indices, as well as a boolean array of whether the index is in the grid:
>>> ix, iy, iz = np.arange(0, 5), np.arange(0, 5), np.zeros(5) >>> idx, ingrid = griddef.index3d_to_index1d(ix, iy, iz)
Convert Index: 1D to 3D¶
(idx)¶ Will return the 3-dimensional indices given a 1 dimensional index as well as a True/False indicator for inside or outside the grid definition.
Parameters: idx (int or np.ndarray) – 1 dimensional index or numpy array of indices Returns: x index or numpy array of x indices iy (int or np.ndarray): y index or numpy array of y indices iz (int or np.ndarray): z index or numpy array of z indices ingrid (bool or np.ndarray): In (True) or Out (False) of grid Return type: ix (int or np.ndarray) Examples
Calculate a 3d grid index based on a 1d index (integers). Returns the 3d index as an integer, as well as a boolean of whether the index is in the grid:
>>> idx = 918 >>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.index1d_to_index3d(idx)
Calculate 3d grid indices based on 1d indices (numpy array). Returns a arrays of 3d indices, as well as a boolean array of whether the indices are in the grid:
>>> idx = np.array([0, 230, 460, 690, 920]) >>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.index1d_to_index3d(idx)
Coordinate(s) to 1D Index¶
(x, y, z)¶ Will return the 0-indexed 1-Dimensional grid index given 3 coordinates as well as a True/False indicator for inside or outside the grid definition.
- Uses:
- pygeostat.get_index3d()
Parameters: - x (float or numpy.ndarray) – x-coordinate value or numpy array of x-coordinate values
- y (float or numpy.ndarray) – y-coordinate value or numpy array of y-coordinate values
- z (float or numpy.ndarray) – z-coordinate value or numpy array of z-coordinate values
Returns: 1-d index of the grid block containing the coordinates ingrid (bool or numpy.ndarray): in (True) or out (False) of the grid
Return type: idx (int or numpy.ndarray)
Calculate a 1d grid index based on an input coordinate (floats). Returns the index as an integer, as well as a boolean of whether the coordinate is in the grid:
>>> x, y, z = 30.5, 12.5, 0.5 >>> idx, ingrid = griddef.gridIndexCoords(x, y, z)
Calculate 1d grid indices based on input coordinates (numpy arrays). Returns the indices as an array, as well as a boolean array of whether the coordinates are in the grid:
>>> idx = np.array([0, 230, 460, 690, 920]) >>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.index1d_to_index3d(idx)
Coordinate(s) to 3D Index¶
(x, y, z)¶ Retruns the 0-indexed 3-Dimensional grid indices given 3 coordinates as well as a True/False indicator for inside or outside the grid definition.
Parameters: - x (float or numpy.ndarray) – x-coordinate value or numpy array of x-coordinate values
- y (float or numpy.ndarray) – y-coordinate value or numpy array of y-coordinate values
- z (float or numpy.ndarray) – z-coordinate value or numpy array of z-coordinate values
Returns: x index of the grid block iy (int or numpy.ndarray): y index of the grid block iz (int or numpy.ndarray): z index of the grid block ingrid (bool or numpy.ndarray): in (True) or out (False) of the grid
Return type: ix (int or numpy.ndarray)
Calculate a 3d grid index based on an input coordinate (floats). Returns the index as integers, as well as a boolean of whether the coordinate is in the grid:
>>> x, y, z = 30.5, 12.5, 0.5 >>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.get_index3d(x, y, z)
Calculate 3d grid indices based on input coordinates (numpy arrays). Returns the indices as arrays, as well as a boolean array of whether the coordinates are in the grid:
>>> x, y = np.linspace(30.5, 100.5, 5), np.linspace(30.5, 100.5, 5) >>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.get_index3d(x, y, z)
Change Block Size¶
(xsiz_new, ysiz_new, zsiz_new, return_copy=False)¶ Function to change the size of individual blocks in the grid. Finds the new number of blocks given the target sizes in each direction.
Parameters: - xsiz_new (float) – New size of blocks in X
- ysiz_new (float) – New size of blocks in Y
- zsiz_new (float) – New size of blocks in Z
- return_copy (bool) – if True will return a copy instead of modifying self
Change Block Number¶
(nx_new, ny_new, nz_new, return_copy=False)¶ Function to change the blocksize of the current grid while retaining the original bounding box.
Useful if attempting to work at a coarse grid (for speed) prior to obtaining a final estimate at the original resolution.
Parameters: - nx_new (int) – New number of blocks in X direction
- ny_new (int) – New number of blocks in Y direction
- nz_new (int) – New number of blocks in Z direction
Define a grid:
>>> import pygeostat as gs >>> grid = gs.GridDef(grid_str="100 5 10 \n100 5 10 \n100 5 5")
Change the dimensions of the grid:
>>> grid.changedim(50,50,50) >>> print(grid.nx,grid.xmn,grid.xsiz) >>> print(grid.ny,grid.ymn,grid.ysiz) >>> print(,grid.zmn,grid.zsiz)
Use the changed resolution grid in a parameter file:
>>> parstr = "TestParFile \n{grd}" >>> prog = gs.Program(program='./text.exe',parstr=parstr.format(grd=str(grid)))
Pad Grid¶
(nx_pad, ny_pad, nz_pad, return_copy=False)¶ Pad the grid on either side in all directions by the number of cells specified on input
Parameters: - nx_pad (int or tuple) – number of cells in x direction to add to the grid on each side
- ny_pad (int or tuple) – number of cells in y direction to add to the grid on each side
- nz_pad (int or tuple) – number of cells in z direction to add to the grid on each side
- return_copy (bool) – return copy or reinitialize self
Generate a grid definition:
>>> griddef = gs.GridDef(gridstr="50 0.5 1 \n50 0.5 1 \n1 0.5 1")
Symmetrically pad the grid cells in the x and y directions
>>> griddef2 = griddef2.padgrid(10, 10, 0, return_copy=True)
Asymmetrically pad the grid with cells in the x and y directions
>>> griddef2.padgrid((6, -5), 5, 0)
(orient=None)¶ Return the extents of the current grid definition.
Parameters: orient (str) – acceptable is ‘x’,’y’, or ‘z’ to give the dimensions along that direction Returns: various tuples based on what was passed
Get Coordinates based on Index/Indices¶
(ix=None, iy=None, iz=None, idx=None)¶ Returns the 3 coordinate values based on the passed grid index. If no indices are passed, then the coordinates of all grid nodes are returned. Either all 3-D indices must all be passed (ix, iy, iz), the 1-D index is passed (idx), or all kwargs are None (returns all coordinates).
Parameters: - ix (int) – x index
- iy (int) – y index
- iz (int) – z index
- idx (int) – 1-D index
Returns: x-coordinate value, or values if all grid nodes are returned y (float or numpy.ndarray): y-coordinate value, or values if all grid nodes are returned z (float or numpy.ndarray): z-coordinate value, or values if all grid nodes are returned
Return type: x (float or numpy.ndarray)
The option to return all grid node coordinates is memory intensive for > 60 M cell grids.
Generate a grid definition, and generate the coordinate arrays:
>>> griddef = gs.GridDef(gridstr="50 0.5 1 \n50 0.5 1 \n50 0.5 1") >>> x, y, z = griddef.get_coordinates()
Generate coordinates (floats) corresponding with a specific 3d index:
>>> x, y, z = griddef.get_coordinates(1, 1, 1)
Get Slice Index¶
(orient, coordinate)¶ Returns the index in the grid along the correct dimension for the specificed slice i.e. the z index for an ‘xy’ slice
>>> griddef.get_slice_index('xy',700.2)
Parameters: - orient (str) – orientation of the current slice (‘xy’, ‘yz’, ‘xz’)
- coordinate (float) – index of the current slice
Returns: index to the specified slice
Return type: index (int)
Grid Array¶
¶ Return the array of grid parameters (nx, xmn, xsiz, ny, ymn, ysiz, nz, zmn, zsiz)
Outline Points¶
(orient='xy')¶ return the xpts and ypts for plotline an outline of the current grid definition in the defined orientation
Parameters: orient (str) – The orientation to return the corner points of the grid 'xy'
are the only accepted valuesReturns: the corner points of the grid in the specified orientation Return type: xpts, ypts (float, float)
Sample Random Points from Grid¶
(n=100)¶ Generate random points from within the grid
Sample Random Indices from Grid¶
(dim=3, n=20, seed=None, buffer_x=None, buffer_y=None, buffer_z=None)¶ Generate a list of random indices from within the grid
Parameters: - dim (int) – 1 returns a 1D index, 3 returns x, y, and z indexes.
- n (int) – The number of indices to return for each dimension
- seed (int) – If provided will initialized the random number generator with the seed. If not provided then you will get different values every time you run this function
- buffer_x (int) – you can set a buffer if you don’t want any random indices near the edge of the x border of the grid, Note: only works for dim=3
- buffer_y (int) – you can set a buffer if you don’t want any random indices near the edge of the y border of the grid, Note: only works for dim=3
- buffer_z (int) – you can set a buffer if you don’t want any random indices near the edge of the z border of the grid, Note: only works for dim=3
Returns: “dim = 1” indice (list): a 1D indice of size n “dim = 3” xind (list): a list of indices in x dimension of size n yind (list): a list of indices in y dimension of size n zind (list): a list of indices in z dimension of size n
Slice Coordinate¶
(orient, index)¶ Returns the real coordinate for a slice given the index in the grid and orientation NOTE: assumes 0-indexed slice coordinates are passed.
Parameters: - orient (str) – orientation of the current slice (‘xy’, ‘yz’, ‘xz’)
- index (int) – index of the current slice
Returns: coordinate of the current slice
Return type: cord (float)
Usage: >>> griddef.get_slice_coordinate(‘xy’,10)
Slice Index¶
(orient, coordinate) Returns the index in the grid along the correct dimension for the specificed slice i.e. the z index for an ‘xy’ slice
>>> griddef.get_slice_index('xy',700.2)
Parameters: - orient (str) – orientation of the current slice (‘xy’, ‘yz’, ‘xz’)
- coordinate (float) – index of the current slice
Returns: index to the specified slice
Return type: index (int)
Vertical Indices¶
(x, y)¶ Returns grid indices corresponding with drilling a vertical drill hole intersecting all z blocks on the way down
Parameters: - x (float) – x-coordinate value
- y (float) – y-coordinate value
Returns: grid indices of vertical ‘drill hole’
Return type: indices (dict)