Grid Definitions

GridDef Class

class, grid_str=None, grid_arr=None, grid_file=None)

Class containing GSLIB grid definition.

Given either a GSLIB style grid string or an array arranged as [nx, xmn, xsiz, ny, ymn, ysiz, nz, zmn, zsiz] initialize the GridDef Class



return a copy of this object

Block Volume


Return the volume of one block in the current grid definition

Cell Count


Return the number of blocks in the current grid definition

Convert To 2D


Flattens a grid to 2D by default on the xy plane, returning a new 2D GridDef object

Convert Index: 3D to 1D

GridDef.index3d_to_index1d(ix, iy, iz)

Will return the 0-indexed 1-Dimensional grid index given the 3 dimensional indices as well as a True/False indicator for inside or outside the grid definition.

  • ix (int or numpy.ndarray) – x index or n-length array of x indices
  • iy (int or numpy.ndarray) – y index or n-length array of y indices
  • iz (int or numpy.ndarray) – z index or n-length array of z indices

1-d index or n-length array of 1-d indices ingrid (bool or numpy.ndarray): in (True) or out (False) of grid, returned if ingrid=True

Return type:

idx (int or numpy.ndarray)


Calculate a 1d grid index based on a 3d index (integers). Returns the index as an integer, as well as a boolean of whether the index is in the grid:

>>> ix, iy, iz = 2, 4, 0
>>> idx, ingrid = griddef.index3d_to_index1d(ix, iy, iz)

Calculate 1d grid indices based on 3d indices (numpy arrays). Returns an array of indices, as well as a boolean array of whether the index is in the grid:

>>> ix, iy, iz = np.arange(0, 5), np.arange(0, 5), np.zeros(5)
>>> idx, ingrid = griddef.index3d_to_index1d(ix, iy, iz)

Convert Index: 1D to 3D


Will return the 3-dimensional indices given a 1 dimensional index as well as a True/False indicator for inside or outside the grid definition.

Parameters:idx (int or np.ndarray) – 1 dimensional index or numpy array of indices
Returns:x index or numpy array of x indices iy (int or np.ndarray): y index or numpy array of y indices iz (int or np.ndarray): z index or numpy array of z indices ingrid (bool or np.ndarray): In (True) or Out (False) of grid
Return type:ix (int or np.ndarray)


Calculate a 3d grid index based on a 1d index (integers). Returns the 3d index as an integer, as well as a boolean of whether the index is in the grid:

>>> idx = 918
>>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.index1d_to_index3d(idx)

Calculate 3d grid indices based on 1d indices (numpy array). Returns a arrays of 3d indices, as well as a boolean array of whether the indices are in the grid:

>>> idx = np.array([0, 230, 460, 690, 920])
>>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.index1d_to_index3d(idx)

Coordinate(s) to 1D Index

GridDef.get_index(x, y, z)

Will return the 0-indexed 1-Dimensional grid index given 3 coordinates as well as a True/False indicator for inside or outside the grid definition.

  • x (float or numpy.ndarray) – x-coordinate value or numpy array of x-coordinate values
  • y (float or numpy.ndarray) – y-coordinate value or numpy array of y-coordinate values
  • z (float or numpy.ndarray) – z-coordinate value or numpy array of z-coordinate values

1-d index of the grid block containing the coordinates ingrid (bool or numpy.ndarray): in (True) or out (False) of the grid

Return type:

idx (int or numpy.ndarray)


Calculate a 1d grid index based on an input coordinate (floats). Returns the index as an integer, as well as a boolean of whether the coordinate is in the grid:

>>> x, y, z = 30.5, 12.5, 0.5
>>> idx, ingrid = griddef.gridIndexCoords(x, y, z)

Calculate 1d grid indices based on input coordinates (numpy arrays). Returns the indices as an array, as well as a boolean array of whether the coordinates are in the grid:

>>> idx = np.array([0, 230, 460, 690, 920])
>>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.index1d_to_index3d(idx)

Coordinate(s) to 3D Index

GridDef.get_index3d(x, y, z)

Retruns the 0-indexed 3-Dimensional grid indices given 3 coordinates as well as a True/False indicator for inside or outside the grid definition.

  • x (float or numpy.ndarray) – x-coordinate value or numpy array of x-coordinate values
  • y (float or numpy.ndarray) – y-coordinate value or numpy array of y-coordinate values
  • z (float or numpy.ndarray) – z-coordinate value or numpy array of z-coordinate values

x index of the grid block iy (int or numpy.ndarray): y index of the grid block iz (int or numpy.ndarray): z index of the grid block ingrid (bool or numpy.ndarray): in (True) or out (False) of the grid

Return type:

ix (int or numpy.ndarray)


Calculate a 3d grid index based on an input coordinate (floats). Returns the index as integers, as well as a boolean of whether the coordinate is in the grid:

>>> x, y, z = 30.5, 12.5, 0.5
>>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.get_index3d(x, y, z)

Calculate 3d grid indices based on input coordinates (numpy arrays). Returns the indices as arrays, as well as a boolean array of whether the coordinates are in the grid:

>>> x, y = np.linspace(30.5, 100.5, 5), np.linspace(30.5, 100.5, 5)
>>> ix, iy, iz, ingrid = griddef.get_index3d(x, y, z)

Change Block Size

GridDef.change_blocksize(xsiz_new, ysiz_new, zsiz_new, return_copy=False)

Function to change the size of individual blocks in the grid. Finds the new number of blocks given the target sizes in each direction.

  • xsiz_new (float) – New size of blocks in X
  • ysiz_new (float) – New size of blocks in Y
  • zsiz_new (float) – New size of blocks in Z
  • return_copy (bool) – if True will return a copy instead of modifying self

Change Block Number

GridDef.change_blocknum(nx_new, ny_new, nz_new, return_copy=False)

Function to change the blocksize of the current grid while retaining the original bounding box.

Useful if attempting to work at a coarse grid (for speed) prior to obtaining a final estimate at the original resolution.

  • nx_new (int) – New number of blocks in X direction
  • ny_new (int) – New number of blocks in Y direction
  • nz_new (int) – New number of blocks in Z direction


Define a grid:

>>> import pygeostat as gs
>>> grid = gs.GridDef(grid_str="100 5 10  \n100 5 10  \n100 5 5")

Change the dimensions of the grid:

>>> grid.changedim(50,50,50)
>>> print(grid.nx,grid.xmn,grid.xsiz)
>>> print(grid.ny,grid.ymn,grid.ysiz)
>>> print(,grid.zmn,grid.zsiz)

Use the changed resolution grid in a parameter file:

>>> parstr = "TestParFile \n{grd}"
>>> prog = gs.Program(program='./text.exe',parstr=parstr.format(grd=str(grid)))

Pad Grid

GridDef.pad_grid(nx_pad, ny_pad, nz_pad, return_copy=False)

Pad the grid on either side in all directions by the number of cells specified on input

  • nx_pad (int or tuple) – number of cells in x direction to add to the grid on each side
  • ny_pad (int or tuple) – number of cells in y direction to add to the grid on each side
  • nz_pad (int or tuple) – number of cells in z direction to add to the grid on each side
  • return_copy (bool) – return copy or reinitialize self


Generate a grid definition:

>>> griddef = gs.GridDef(gridstr="50 0.5 1 \n50 0.5 1 \n1 0.5 1")

Symmetrically pad the grid cells in the x and y directions

>>> griddef2 = griddef2.padgrid(10, 10, 0, return_copy=True)

Asymmetrically pad the grid with cells in the x and y directions

>>> griddef2.padgrid((6, -5), 5, 0)



Return the extents of the current grid definition.

Parameters:orient (str) – acceptable is ‘x’,’y’, or ‘z’ to give the dimensions along that direction
Returns:various tuples based on what was passed

Get Coordinates based on Index/Indices

GridDef.get_coordinates(ix=None, iy=None, iz=None, idx=None)

Returns the 3 coordinate values based on the passed grid index. If no indices are passed, then the coordinates of all grid nodes are returned. Either all 3-D indices must all be passed (ix, iy, iz), the 1-D index is passed (idx), or all kwargs are None (returns all coordinates).

  • ix (int) – x index
  • iy (int) – y index
  • iz (int) – z index
  • idx (int) – 1-D index

x-coordinate value, or values if all grid nodes are returned y (float or numpy.ndarray): y-coordinate value, or values if all grid nodes are returned z (float or numpy.ndarray): z-coordinate value, or values if all grid nodes are returned

Return type:

x (float or numpy.ndarray)


The option to return all grid node coordinates is memory intensive for > 60 M cell grids.


Generate a grid definition, and generate the coordinate arrays:

>>> griddef = gs.GridDef(gridstr="50 0.5 1 \n50 0.5 1 \n50 0.5 1")
>>> x, y, z = griddef.get_coordinates()

Generate coordinates (floats) corresponding with a specific 3d index:

>>> x, y, z = griddef.get_coordinates(1, 1, 1)

Get Slice Index

GridDef.get_slice_index(orient, coordinate)

Returns the index in the grid along the correct dimension for the specificed slice i.e. the z index for an ‘xy’ slice

>>> griddef.get_slice_index('xy',700.2)
  • orient (str) – orientation of the current slice (‘xy’, ‘yz’, ‘xz’)
  • coordinate (float) – index of the current slice

index to the specified slice

Return type:

index (int)

Grid Array


Return the array of grid parameters (nx, xmn, xsiz, ny, ymn, ysiz, nz, zmn, zsiz)



Return the origin of the current grid definition

Outline Points


return the xpts and ypts for plotline an outline of the current grid definition in the defined orientation

Parameters:orient (str) – The orientation to return the corner points of the grid 'xy', 'xz', 'yz' are the only accepted values
Returns:the corner points of the grid in the specified orientation
Return type:xpts, ypts (float, float)

Sample Random Points from Grid


Generate random points from within the grid

Sample Random Indices from Grid

GridDef.random_indices(dim=3, n=20, seed=None, buffer_x=None, buffer_y=None, buffer_z=None)

Generate a list of random indices from within the grid

  • dim (int) – 1 returns a 1D index, 3 returns x, y, and z indexes.
  • n (int) – The number of indices to return for each dimension
  • seed (int) – If provided will initialized the random number generator with the seed. If not provided then you will get different values every time you run this function
  • buffer_x (int) – you can set a buffer if you don’t want any random indices near the edge of the x border of the grid, Note: only works for dim=3
  • buffer_y (int) – you can set a buffer if you don’t want any random indices near the edge of the y border of the grid, Note: only works for dim=3
  • buffer_z (int) – you can set a buffer if you don’t want any random indices near the edge of the z border of the grid, Note: only works for dim=3

“dim = 1” indice (list): a 1D indice of size n “dim = 3” xind (list): a list of indices in x dimension of size n yind (list): a list of indices in y dimension of size n zind (list): a list of indices in z dimension of size n

Slice Coordinate

GridDef.get_slice_coordinate(orient, index)

Returns the real coordinate for a slice given the index in the grid and orientation NOTE: assumes 0-indexed slice coordinates are passed.

  • orient (str) – orientation of the current slice (‘xy’, ‘yz’, ‘xz’)
  • index (int) – index of the current slice

coordinate of the current slice

Return type:

cord (float)

Usage: >>> griddef.get_slice_coordinate(‘xy’,10)

Slice Index

GridDef.get_slice_index(orient, coordinate)

Returns the index in the grid along the correct dimension for the specificed slice i.e. the z index for an ‘xy’ slice

>>> griddef.get_slice_index('xy',700.2)
  • orient (str) – orientation of the current slice (‘xy’, ‘yz’, ‘xz’)
  • coordinate (float) – index of the current slice

index to the specified slice

Return type:

index (int)

Vertical Indices

GridDef.get_vertical_indices(x, y)

Returns grid indices corresponding with drilling a vertical drill hole intersecting all z blocks on the way down

  • x (float) – x-coordinate value
  • y (float) – y-coordinate value

grid indices of vertical ‘drill hole’

Return type:

indices (dict)